Pro (see Sharp): A professional bettor, either a syndicate or individual. Their action is well respected, and often the sportsbooks move lines based on their action. Oftentimes, their bet amounts are limited so the sportsbooks don't incur too many losses on their wins. 

Joe (see Public or Square): An average bettor. A typical recreational bettor who looks more at teams than analytics. Since these bettors are average/below average, they are not limited in the amount they can bet, and we often see high-roller Joes/Public/Squares place six-or-seven figure bets. We can see where they are betting by seeing the cash percentage on a side. 

Public (see Joe or Square)An average bettor. A typical recreational bettor who looks more at teams than analytics. Since these bettors are average/below average, they are not limited in the amount they can bet, and we often see high-roller Joes/Public/Squares place six-or-seven figure bets. We can see where they are betting by seeing the cash percentage on a side. 

Sharp (see Pro): A professional bettor, either a syndicate or individual. Their action is well respected, and often the sportsbooks move lines based on their action. 

Square (see Public or Joe): An average bettor. A typical recreational bettor who looks more at teams than analytics. Since these bettors are average/below average, they are not limited in the amount they can bet, and we often see high-roller Joes/Public/Squares place six-or-seven figure bets. We can see where they are betting by seeing the cash percentage on a side.